Williams, B. & Sawyer, S. (2003). Define information and communication technology as being "When computer and communication technologies are combined, the result is information technology - infotech- technology that merges computinjg with high-speed communication links carrying data sound and video."
I.T (Information technology) refers to the computer hardware and its ability to process and organise information. Communication technology refers to the different technology available to us now to communicate beyond the humble home telephone and letter. We have the BLOGS, email, mobile phones and skype to name afew.
Technology is very prevelant in our society as I have personal examples to explain. My 3 year old niece operating and I phone and my 6 year old son navigating the internet with his friends to play games and watch you tube clips. When children are operating technology with more confidence than most adults I would say that it is definitely common place in our society.
I am undoubtedly a technophobe by choice, although I use technology everyday. I access school work online, research online, I use my mobile phone and I also skype to contact friends overseas on a daily basis. I do feel comfortable and competent to a degree when using I.T and I say this because I can use it to get what I need done but technology is forever changing and I can never keep up.
Both my fieldwork placements were in the field of Pediatrics. I have not personally seen O.T's (Occupational Therapist) use I.T when working with clients but they did use computers and phones for work related purposes. Issues that may exsist around I.T's adoptionj of I.T systems and tools could be the cost involved with the intial product and the constant upgrading of technology.
Recently I met a Mother who's son was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Autism. I asked her about the work that O.T's had done with him. She told me that an O.T had just issued her son with an I Pad and she loved it. She was very excited to see her son operate the I Pad independantly to play games and even communicate by asking for juice. She was especially pleased with the fact that her son was doing something that most other kids his age were not doing yet.
The above scenario is a good example of why an O.T. should have a good understanding of I.T. It already enables us to do so many occupations in our own daily lives so the same can be said for our clients.
An ethical implications that often arise regarding the capturing, sharing and transferring of infomation via I.T devices is privacy, security and copy right to name a few. Followed closely is the problem of policing these issues.
Williams, B., & Sawyer, S. (2003). Using information technology: A practical introduction to computers and communications. (5th ed.). New York: The McGraw Hill Companies Inc
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